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Objective: The contemporary diagnosis of paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes (PNSs) requires an increasing understanding of their clinical, immunologic, and oncologic heterogeneity. The 2004 PNS criteria are partially outdated due to advances in PNS ...
Objective: Autoimmune encephalitis (AE) is an important and treatable cause of acute encephalitis. Diagnosis of AE in a developing child is challenging because of overlap in clinical presentations with other diseases and complexity of normal behavior ...
Although often regarded as a protean illness with myriad clinical and imaging manifestations, neurosarcoidosis typically presents as recognizable syndromes that can be approached in a rational, systematic fashion. Understanding of neurosarcoidosis has ...
Objective: To describe the features of adult patients with benign, unilateral cerebral cortical encephalitis positive for the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibody. Methods: In this retrospective, cross-sectional study, after we encountered an ...
Background and Objectives: Recovery from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection appears exponential, leaving a tail of patients reporting various long COVID symptoms including unexplained fatigue/exertional intolerance and ...
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a rare autoimmune disorder that preferentially affects the spinal cord and optic nerve. Most patients with NMOSD experience severe relapses that lead to permanent neurologic disability; therefore, limiting ...
Background and Objectives: Neurodegeneration and astrocytic activation are pathologic hallmarks of progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and can be quantified by serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (sGFAP). We ...
Objective: Antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (anti-GAD65) are associated with a number of neurologic syndromes. However, their pathogenic role is controversial. Our objective was to describe clinical and paraclinical characteristics of anti-...
Objective: To optimize sensitivity and disease specificity of a myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibody assay. Methods: Consecutive sera (n = 1,109) sent for aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody testing were screened for MOG antibodies (Abs) by cell-based ...
Background and Objectives: To determine the real-world use of rituximab in autoimmune encephalitis (AE) and to correlate rituximab treatment with the long-term outcome. Methods: Patients with NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-AE, leucine-rich glioma-inactivated-1 (LGI1)- ...
Objective: To describe the phenotypes, treatment response, and outcome of IgLON5 autoimmunity. Methods: Archived serum and CSF specimens from 367 patients known to harbor unclassified antibodies which stained neural synapses diffusely (mimicking amphiphysin-...
Objective: To investigate whether visual disability which is known to accumulate by poor recovery from optic neuritis (ON) attacks can be lessened by early treatment, we investigated whether the time from symptom onset to high-dose IV methylprednisolone (...
Objective: To report the induction of anti–Ma2 antibody–associated paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome (Ma2-PNS) in 6 patients after treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). We also analyzed (1) patient clinical features compared with a cohort of ...
Background and Objectives: Chronic active lesions contribute to multiple sclerosis (MS) severity, but their association with long-term disease progression has not been evaluated yet. White matter (WM) lesions showing linear expansion over time on serial T1- ...
Objective: To determine the observed and expected incidence rates of paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes (PNSs) and autoimmune encephalitides (AEs) diagnosed in France between 2016 and 2018, we conducted a population-based epidemiologic study. Methods: ...
Background and Objectives: Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of reports have described cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (AHLE) following infection with COVID-19. Given ...

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